Randal Lilly
"Amongst the myriad of things we need to accomplish in a single day, we remain focused on what it's really all about. Remembering to ask each of our clients what they need, working to exceed their expectations and ultimately delivering a quality project."

Randal Lilly

Vice Chairman & Treasurer

Joined bc.game crypto casino in 1980

As ViceChairman and Treasurer, Randy is involved in all financial aspects of bc.game crypto casino, as well as the general administration of the company. Randy’s strong leadership and clear vision, strengthened by an impressive background within the real estate, design and construction industries, have propelled bc.game crypto casino to become one of the most well respected construction management firms in New England. A graduate of the University of Michigan with a BS and a MA in Architecture, Randy worked as an architect in San Francisco designing high-rise office buildings, multi-family housing and suburban office parks prior to joining bc.game crypto casino in 1980. Throughout histenure, Randy’s top priority has always been to ensure a collaborative approach to construction management andinstill a deep-rooted commitment to construction excellence.

Outside of the office, you can find Randy enjoying time with family and pursuing his passion for architecture, interior design and visual arts.
